5 Ways To Raise Your Credit Score

A good credit score is part of getting approved for a mortgage, it will also help you get a lower interest rate. Here are some quick things to do to check and possibly improve your score. Before we get started though, the first thing you should do is get your credit report! You can order it free here - https://www.annualcreditreport.com Now that you have your report lets get to those tips! 🤓 1. Check for Errors! You want the report to be clean and mistake free. Check if there are misspellings of your name or addresses. Other things might be duplicate accounts, incorrect account information, closed accounts that are still listed as open, fraud etc! 2. Clean up the Errors! If you found something wrong the next step is to…
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From Cost of Living to Safety: Key Factors for a Smooth Move

Many Americans have considered moving in the last few years. Some are lucky enough to work remotely, others may be lured by housing prices. If you are considering moving here are seven things to consider. 1. Housing and Cost of Living: Research the cost of housing, groceries, utilities, and other expenses in the area to ensure that you can afford to live there. 2. Job market: If you are moving for a job, make sure it is secure and that there are other job opportunities available in the area. 3. Education: If you have children, consider the quality of the schools in the area. You may also want to consider the availability of higher education institutions if you or a family member plans to continue your education. 4. Safety: Research…
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