Market Report

The Mortgage Market report is showing positive signs even amid the government shut down. There is a growing inventory of homes for sale! Price inflation is slowing and we are seeing some slight price reductions as well as a rate decrease so this generally good news for those looking for a new home!
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Market Trends

This week saw some good news for the housing market! We saw mortgage rates drop to a 9 month low! The fed has also signaled it may reverse course on future rate hikes. We are still in the middle of winter but spring is in the air 🌷
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Usher in January

January's here and its a new year! We wish you all ✌, health and prosperity . To help with the last part here are three things you can do to get the year started! 1. Put away for retirement! Make sure you're contributing the maximum you can to 401k and or IRAs 2. Consider re-balancing your portfolio - we aren't giving specific investment advice but check your portfolio mix and consult a reputable advisor if needed 3. Check your investment fund fees! Some mutual fund fees are higher than you think and can add up over time! Now we know its cold out so its not a bad time get out a blanket and check out whats new on the 📺 On Netflix catch Solo, for the adults the classic…
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